Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Crystal Soul ;part 1

yesterday i found some interesting stuff.. thanks to kak ranee ( my cousin from Indonesia).. i watched a talk show called "Mario Teguh" ( a motivation talk show from Indonesia) and i find that it was really really good for someone that longing to have a medicine soup for their heart and soul.. just google

wat i'm gonna do is i wanna discuss about what did he do/talk/dicuss in that show..
one of the episodes that i managed to watch is "The crystal Soul" its really informative and inspiring..
this is what i get from that show..

"The Crystal Soul"
Mario Teguh
17 Mei 2009


~tuhan kita telah merencanakan sesatu yg baik utk kita dgn tujuan utk memuliakan manusia dr makhluk2nya yg lain..
dan bagaimana kita hendak melihat atau merasakannya dlm kehidupan kita..ramai diantara kita yg melihat sesuatu itu dgn perspektif yg negatif padahal Allah telah merencanakan sesuatu baik utk memuliakan hamba2nya..

caranya adalah dengan membersihkan hati dan hendaklah melihat yg Baik-nya..

berapa ramai di antara kita yg sering melihat setiap sesuatu itu dgn pndangan atau fikiran yg baik tanpa tidak sama sekali berprasangka buruk??.. mungkin ada saja yg berfikiran negatif atau berprasangka buruk trhadap sesuatu itu..

ya.. mungkin kita akan salah dalam melihat atau menilai dr perspektif yg baik itu namun kita salah secara benar.. maksudnya kita salah dlm cubaan atau rangka menyayangi, salah dlm rangka utk membawa kepada kebaikan.. itu tidak mengapa kan..
drpd kita salah menduga org baik sbg org yg jahat.. itu mmg akan membawa mudarat kpada org yg dituduh dan kita telah secara tidak langsung menganiayanya..

konklusinya, kita cuba buang jauh2 perasaan buruk sangka tu walaupun kenyataannya mmg pahit atau tidak baik.. biarlah org yg berbuat jahat kat kita jgn pulak kita yg buat jahat kat org..
lagipun, setiap apa yg brlaku ada hikmahnya dan kita tidak tau sehinggalah kita menyedarinya..


Selalunya kita selalu berpendapat bahawa kita selalu berada dlm zon yg selesa (COMFORT ZONE).. padahal kita sebenarnya berada dlm zon yg tidak selesa..
mana x nya, duit x cukup, hutang banyak, kerja pangkat rendah jer, selalu kene marah dgn bos/cikgu..adakah itu dipanggil comfort zone? haha..

berapa ramai yg ada skrg ni yg membiasakan diri hidup dlm pendapatan yg kecil dan serba kekurangan maksudnya yg hidup berhemat dlm kuantiti sederhana walaupun rata2 hidup senang?

dan bagaimana pula jika kita sudah keluar dari zon tersebut namun kita lagi terperangkap di dalam zon atau keadaan yg lg teruk dr sebelum ni?

hurm..x semestinya bila kita dah kluar dr tempat tu kita akan terus selesa.. tidak.. sbb itulah kita dianjurkan utk berdoa.. minta pd Allah supaya dilapangkan dada dan ditunjukkan jalan keluar yg baik dan sebenar2nya.. minta dijauhkan dr melalui jalan2 yg tidak baik..

bersihkan hati, buka mata, buka minda dan berdoa kepada Allah SWT.. InsyaAllah..

salam Maal Hijrah, wish u a happy new year..

hari ni bermulalah hari baru pd tahun yg baru.. hari yg disambut oleh seluruh umat Islam.. dgn bermulalah lembaran baru, azam baru dan visi dan misi baru bak kata org buka buku baru.. ada juga yg mempunyai tekad utk melaksanakan visi dan misi yg tidak tercapai pd tahun yg sebelumnya.. apa2 pun, setiap apa yg kita cita2kan haruslah diniatkan trlebih dahulu semata2 kerana Allah Taala.. InsyaAllah semoga pd tahun ini kita lebih bernasib baik dan diredhai oleh Allah..

rasanya tiba2 jer smalam dpt satu ilham..dpt satu azam..terpikir satu cita2..
antaranya menyediakan blog ini lebih kpd apa yg sy minat (psychology).. dan sy harap at least ianya berguna sedikit kepada org yg membaca (klu ada yg baca lar..huhu)
haha..semalam sy rasa berkobar2 sgt nak laksanakn misi sy yg telah sy impikan utk menjayakannya sejak zaman sekolah lagi..i always have dat some crazy ideas that are just too way far beyond my reality.. mungkin trlalu tinggi dan sukar utk sy buat..
*omg feni.. u're doing that again.. do not ever say no of something that u havent done..remember that*

okay.. i'll try my best to achieve my dreams.. i wont let myself to look humiliated in front of my family and for those who have faith on me cuz i dont have the strenght and will to do that..InsyaAllah...

friends, let us bring back the glorious Islamic empire like before..May Allah always being beside us.. amiinn..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

idol ; padang ; me

at last i've given the chance, the right time to post a new blog..
i will be considered as lying if i said i dont have time.. that was the popular statement when someone is unable to do or complete his/her work.. well, we think that we dont have enough time but actually we do have it.. but we dont know how to find it and use it wisely.. i'm kind of that person..i admit i do not know how to manage my time and always complain about it.. hurmm..

wani, one of the person that will be highlighted in this post..
dia la yg sibuk kritik blog ni.. x up-to-date lar and so whatever.. yes, i admit.. memang dah lama gilerr x update blog.. well, i'm not kind of person yg suka bab2 writing ni.. hehe.. okay, just for u and because of u wani i update this blog..
semate-mate untuk mu..LOL.. haha..

beberapa minggu kebelakangan ni amatlah byk perkara baru yg berlaku.. yelar, mana tak nya.. this is the first post since sem 2 started about a months ago.. memang banyak perkara yg berlaku dan hampir sukar untuk diceritakan kat sini.. boleh jer nak cerita, tp perasaan malas tu lebih menguasai diri.. huhu.. laen kali jer lar cite.. hihi..

erm.. actually i want to tell u about my experience met abg andre last week..
that time i was with my cousin and sis at mid valley 9.30 pm (sumting like dat)... finding stuff at mph.. almost closed but i managed to find things that i want..
nasib baik cousin sy yg setahun lebih tua tu sudi nak temankan gi mid valley naik kereta dia.. haha.. tp mengikut syarat dan terma dia, i have to 'top up' his petrol.. suka-suki dia jer arn.. bajet sy ni loaded ker ape.. tp setelah berjaya tipu and pujuk dia..yay~~ape lagi berbondong2 lar gi mid valley..

then, balik tu..dia suruh singgah rumah dia dulu.. time tu dah pukul 11.30 mlm camtu.. ingat x nak pergi, tp bila pikir2 yg sy dah x jumpa pakcik and makcik saudara a.k.a mak dan bapak angkat selama sebulan..apa salahnya jenguk diaorang kan..
masa sampai rumah tu, terkejut gilerr yg teramat bila nampak abg andre depan mata.. rasa cam nak peluk jer.. kah kah kah.. i admit i minat dia.. just admire him.. tp pernah berangan nak kahwin dgn dia jugak kowt.. hahaha.. LAME~~..
BUT! umur dia dah 28 tahun lar.. lagipun dia tu keluarga sy.. berangan jer lebih..:P

he is like my idol.. i admire him for his work and others.. he almost finishing his pHD dlm masa terdekat ni.. he always go for global conferences and meeting.. for example, representative for indonesia in PBB conference and many others.. he has achieved so many great things although he is just at this young age...
he is such a good speaker and great that is why he's always being sent to be a part of work which involving other countries around the globe..
and that's why i admired him so much.. i'd like to make him as my idol..

sy dgn keluarga cousin sy mmg excited glerr nak dengar cerita dia kat padang mase gempa bumi tu.. kebetulan pada hari berlakunya gempa bumi tu dia ada di padang.. macam2 cerita lar yg dia cerita kat kitaorang.. memang Allah nak tunjukkan kekuasaan-Nya kat umat manusia ni.. abg andre kata memang nampak yg gempa bumi ni pilih2 rumah atau kawasan.. petempatan org2 cina semua musnah lagi2 tokong diaorang tu..masjid x runtuh tp rumah2 sekeliling tu semua runtuh..mcm peristiwa yg kita dgr mase tsunami dulu.. yg paling tragik apabila dianggarkan seramai 300 org penduduk kampung lenyap ditelan bumi.. dua kampung hilang dr pandangan mata.. abg andre ckp mase tu sedang diadakan 3 buah pesta perkahwinan rasanya kat kampung tu.. lepas tu ada jugak mangsa2 yg minta dipotong kaki atau tangannya untuk lepaskan diri dr runtuhan2 batu.. orang yg memotong tu memang x sampai hati nak potong.. tp nak wat camne.. memang dah x larat nak angkut batu2 tu.. nak tunggu kren datang, alamat memang dah x bernyawa dah dorang2 tu.. kesian gler.. actually bantuan2 dr negara lain mcm poland, rusia mmg dah lama sampai kat Padang akibat kekalutan kat government tu, dorang yg dtg dr jauh tu susah nak teruskan kerja sbb dorang x tau nak start dr mana.. if not mungkin banyak nyawa yg boleh diselamatkan.. memang banyak cerita2 yg mengerikan dan sedih.. ada sebuah sekolah yg runtuh yg dalam tu ada beratus2 pelajar sekolah rendah.. rasanya semua syahid dlm tgh2 menuntut ilmu tu.. Al-Fatihah buat muslimin muslimat yg jd mangsa.. ada juga seorang perempuan ni yg masih hidup setelah empat hari terperangkap dlm runtuhan, dia sempat lagi menghantar sms kepada ibunya yg menyatakan dia maih hidup.. dlm msg dia, dia ckp lebih kurang camni.. 'mama, aku hidup lg.. tolong aku'.. tp msg tu hanya sampai setelah lapan hari peristiwa gempa bumi sbb mmg line x de and susah nak dapat time tu.. bila gerakan penyelamat mencari, perempuan tu berjaya ditemui tp telah meninggal dunia.. mcm2 cerita sedih lagi selain drpd ni..
harap2 benda2 nie boleh dijadikan iktibar kepada kita semua terutamanya sy..

sambung cite lain lak.. hehe..
maybe korunk rasa yg sy tah apa2 cuz menjadikan abg andre sebagai idola atau a person yg dibanggakan.. kenapa x pilih tokoh2 besar macam Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad ker, atau Mahatma Ghandi ker, Hitler ker (hehe), Ibnu Sina ker or even Nabi Muhammad S.A.W... Sebelum sy huraikan dgn lebih lanjut, i'm a big fan of Baginda Nabi Muhammad(pbuh).. i mean of course he is an idol..not just for me but for the whole nation of Islam even for the non-muslim too.. we have to be proud of our Prophet because no one can be able to beat him in every aspects esp great and powerful leadership..

tidak salah untuk kita menjadikan sesiapa sahaja sebagai idola kita namun ianya haruslah berlandakan sesuatu yg baik supaya dapat dijadikan pedoman dan iktibar kepada kita..
tidak kisahla sama ada seseorang idola itu merupakan tokoh yg besar dan menyumbangkan jasa yg begitu besar ataupun ianya setakat org biasa tetapi mempunyai pengaruh dan memberi impak yg cukup besar buat diri kita seperti ayah atau ibu kita..
menurut sy, tidak cukup hanya menjadikan tokoh2 besar sebagai idola kita..tetapi biarlah kita juga mempunyai idola terdekat atau yg mempunyai hubungan dengan kita..
seperti ibu bapa, adik-beradik, saudara-mara, cikgu kita sendiri, mahupun kenalan atau rakan kita sendiri..

apabila kita menjadikan hanya mereka2 yg bernama besar sebagai idola kita, ianya agak kurang memberikan impak kepada diri kita..sbb mungkin mereka tidak ada pertalian dgn kita.. mungkin mereka amat memberi kesan terhadap hidup sesorang namun sejauh mana ianya dpt berkekalan dan bertahan lama.. perasaan itu pasti berbeza jika kita menjadikan seseorang yg kita kenal sebagai idola dan pemangkin semangat.. kerana secara mentalitinya, kita pasti akan mengatakan kita boleh lakukan seperti apa yg mereka lakukan.. 'kalau ayah boleh bersusah payah kerja siang malam untuk keluarga, kenapa tidak sy kelak'.. 'klu abg dgn kakak boleh mendapat segulung ijazah, kenapa tidak sy'...'klu pakcik boleh dpt anugerah saintis terbaik, kenapa tidak sy'.. contoh lar..

pada masa yg sama, jikalau kita bermonolog dgn diri kita mengenai idola nama2 besar..
'klu Tun Dr. Mahathir boleh buat Twin Tower, kenapa tidak sy?'.. klu Ibnu Sina boleh memikirkan cara2 untuk bedah org atau mencipta perkakas2 pembedahan, kenapa tidak sy?'.. bila kita memikirkan perkara2 sebegini, kita mungkin merasakan yg hampir mustahil utk kita melakukan perkara2 itu walaupun sebenarnya ianya boleh direalisasikan asalkan kita mempunyai semangat dan jiwa yg kental, pergorbanan yg tinggi, daya usaha yg maksimum dan sebagainya, tidak mustahil yg kita boleh berjaya seperti idola2 kita itu.. namun masa dan redha Allah yg menentukan.... dan bg yg lemah semangat atau semangatnya cepat pudar, mereka pasti berputus asa..

sebab itulah dalam konteks ini kita haruslah bersederhana dan mulakan dari bawah untuk betul2 menjadikan impian kita ebagai kenyataan dan bukannya hanya angan2.. kita patut menjadikan org2 yg terdekat dgn kita sebagai idola kita selain drpd mempunyai idola tokoh2 besar juga.. kerana dr sudut kejiwaan, kita lebih terdorong terhadap sesuatu yg berada dekat dgn hati dan jiwa kita.. apabila kita telah berjaya melaksanakan aim terdekat, then baru kita melangkah untuk menyempurnakan aim terbesar dlm hidup kita..

ermm.. xtau nak ckp lg lar.. feni ni x pandai nak explain dan huraikan sesuatu perkara tu kat org.. agak terbantut penyampaiannya.. huhu.. yg silap2 tu sorry..
x faham leh tanya.. hahaha...

peace for the world

Monday, October 19, 2009


peristiwa sepanjang minggu ni byk mengajar penulis blog ni.. ntah lar.. maybe i dont realise it.. but i can felt how much it influence my life.. tiba2 rase mcm nak emo jer..haha
that day, i was talking to my ex-senior..nama dia kak zarina.. dia mmg cun.. haha:)
dia ckp ngan feni yg kawan sejati tu mmg wujud..dia ckp camtu sbb dia dah baca blog feni yg first2 tu.. kan dlm blog tu feni kurang yakin adanya creature yg diberi nama sahabat baik or sahabat sejati..
then i told her that its really hard to find a friend that is really really
care about us..
will not complaining of anything about us..
although we have bad attitudes, mengada2, pelik, annoying,
or what so ever yg usually will make others dislike or hate us..
sometimes u felt that already found that 'person'.. and u just believe it..
but somehow, after time is faded, when the friendship is not growing blossom anymore,
u will find the person that u think is ur life, the person u think ur great bff,
it is not that great anymore..
i'm just telling this because..
yeah, of course u love ur friends maybe more than u ever thought..(i always do that)
but u just cant understand..its very complicated..
okay, u have a friend.. then, he/she is very nice to u..
have been so care about u,
always protected u from ur 'enemies',
she/he always be there for u, whenever u need a shoulder to cry on, whenever u need someone to share ur stories, whenever u need a partner to gossip about others, whenever u need someone that can makes u relief after she/he has the same thoughts like u.. a friend that is always be there for u..
how amazing it is if we can get a friend like that.. maybe we will be the luckiest person in the world and the universe.. Alhamdulillah..

but..cuba korunk fikir mcm mane kalau semua bnda yg kita dah cerita kat dia, suma rahsia, suma perkara yg kita x puas hati, or anything.. pokoknya kita percaya lar kat dia.. dia tu bff kita kan..
tp sebenarnya dia x suka.. tp in front of us, she/he pretends that they have no objection at all about that... setuju jer..

kadang2 feni terfikir, boleh x kawan kita tu terima keadaan kita seadanya.. kita ni x cantik ke, or byk ckp ke, or always talking rubbish ker, always telling something that they dont want to know ke, attitude yg mengada2 n yg buat dorang menyampah ker or anything.. can they just accept us without complaining any single words to us..
mmg lar perangai2 tu x elok, tp bukankah kwn kita spatutnya bagi sesuatu yg dpt membina kita ke arah yg lebih baik, yg boleh guide kita.. bukannya makes us more down or feeling uneasy and makes the problems even worse..
ataupun mungkin kwn kita tu x perlu ckp ape2..just terima keadaan kita yg mmg dr dulu perangai camtu.. yg x kesah kita ni jenis mcm mane...
mmg susah nak cari kwn yg mcm tu..
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas tanpa mengharapkan ape2,
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas nak dgr ape saje yg kita nak cakap,
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas without having any intention at all..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

a catastrophe moment!!

really a catastrophe moment.. okay2 jokin' guys..
in fact, it was really unexpected and memorable yet a lovely moments..
firstly i want to give some credits to my friends here..
atiqah<3,sathiya<3, sze hean<3
they are really fun to be with.. percayalah..x tipu nyer..huhu^^

peritiwa yg berkenaan berlaku ketika..
that lovely monday..
feni, atiqah, sathiya, n sze hean went to pavilion together..
actually i do not expected that those people will come.. i mean sathiya n sze hean.. they were willing to give some times to us although they had classes and other stuff to do that day..
seriously, i love them..
we all were from different classes when we were in secondary school.. and all of us also came from different 'gangs/groups'.. but that actually made our day really exciting and fun..
makan kat food court dulu..cuz sathiya dah lapar sgt.. dia baru habis kelas.. kesian dia...for the rest of us, we took it as a 'branch'..or is it brench?
hurm.. suddenly all the vocabs dissapeared from my head..
like usual, we were the only one yg buat bising kat sana..
then, watched movie.. urrghh..'sorority row'!!
i will never watched that movie again..
it was atiqah's fault because she's the one who suggested that movie..
she said "alar, cite bunuh2 biasa jer.."
omg!! she said that.. giler per.. bunuh biasa2?!!..
almost the whole time in the cinema i covered my face with hands..
me n sze hean peluk-ing each other and only us who screamed all the time.. haha.. but sathiya and atiqah were making noise there.. until one guy turned around to see who is the hell that making noise behind him.. hahaha.. kelakarr gler..
mana x nyer.. sathiya kept saying...
"oh no, she's gonna die"
"she's gonna die next"
"no no, not her, that girl will die first"
"confirm she will die first"
"padan muka she die"
i could feel how 'bengang' that guy in front of us..or maybe every single human being in the cinema.. well, i hope not.. mmg kelakar yg teramat time tu..
then, the most funny thing is.. mase first intro cite tu, ade adegan 18 sx..
u noe what, sze hean covered my eyes with her hands.. she didnt let me to see those parts..
oh come one sze hean, i'm already 18 years old darling!! it's legal for me..hahaha..
kitorunk jln2 sampai kaki luka2.. blister sana sini.. nasib baik watsons ade.. haha.
yg paling teruk luka kaki feni ar.. sampai jalan terjungkang-jongket (sorry klu tatabahasa salah) dah lama tinggal BM.. hehe.. sorry..

mmg pengalaman yg teramat best time tu..really cant forget it...
well, honestly we guys also didnt expect our dates gonna be that fun and hilarious..
lepas ni kita ajak ramai2 lepak sama2..
friends forever guys!! luv u guys always and always..

"Barangsiapa yang tidak menyayangi, maka dia tidak akan disayangi"
Riwayat Imam Bukhari, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi dan Nashif

peace for the world

Thursday, September 17, 2009

is it my fault?

just found this pic last night... really miss them all.. this pic was taken when we all went back to our beloved ex-school.. hehe.. just remembering all those

holidays!! but for us there are no holidays because everybody is busy with studying and stuff. yeah.. final exam is coming.. fuuh..
but for me.. once i come back home, there's no way for me to study peacefully and happily.. haha.. till now, i still havent use my time wisefully.. i didnt use it to study..i dont know why.. like i said before its really hard to study at home especially when my mom is at home..
do i said that as an excuses?? cuz in the real situation, i myself did not study!! it my own fault?? hurmm.. might be..

i have wasted these 5 days doing nothing!!!! can u imagine that??... i can't imagine it..
what i can imagine is.. my exams result will be terrific horrificly bad..
i hope i would ever change after i wrote this blog.. study, study and study..

my life would suck without u.. of course.. who is that 'u'?? hahaha.. lame!!
hey, i just want to thank all my friends in matriculation cuz u guys have treated me very well.. u guys are good friends ever.. i'm very glad for that..
credit to kelly clarkson-my life would suck without

"Barangsiapa yang berjalan di jalan ilmu, maka Allah SWT memudahkan baginya jalan menuju syurga. dan nescaya para malaikat akan meletakkan kedua sayapnya sebagai lambang kesetiaan (redha) kepada pencari ilmu dan sesungguhnya orang yang berilmu itu akan diampuni oleh penghuni langit dan bumi hinggakan ular yang ada di dalam air."
(Riwayat Imam Abu Daud. Tirmidzi, Nashif, dan Nawawi)
peace for the world

Monday, August 31, 2009

what should i do???

life over here is not good and fun as i expected..
its full of conflict, problems, and so many other stuff..
maybe i would just continue my studies in Form 6 with all my beloved friends.. but hey, i must appreciate what i got now because it wasnt easy to get into the university, i mean matriculation in university.. Alhamdulillah!!!
sometimes i felt sorry to them who does not get into matriculation or university especially for non-bumi.. they got really excellent result but yet did not get any place to the tertiary level..
this is why i need to appreciate what i already have and take care of it very carefully..
the problem is it wasnt easy as i thought, as u though and as anybody thought..
i do not know why i still cant performed here very well..Form 6 is even tougher than matriculation.. why i cant do it??

when madam mimi said we can drop our physics subject, i felt so happy but is that the choice that i have to make.. urrghh.. cannot think of anything.. thinking days and nights, till its already passed the due date..
"congratulations feni!! now u cant do anything.. u cant drop ur physics anymore"
s** terrible it is..
anyway, it already passed and i believe that what goes around comes around.. maybe there is 'hikmah' all over it..

let me tell u about one of my classmate, akmal..
'akmal, aku salute gilerr lar kat kau..seriously'
btw, i have said it to him before..
his thought about his future.. about how his decisions right now can affect his future later..
he's really good and i have to admit that he's clever.. haha..
he decided to drop his phyisics.. and i certainly knew what have been going around on his mind..
he wanted to get good pointer because if he continue taking the physics subject, it will badly affect his pointer..cuz he wanted to get scholarship.. so he need to really take care of his pointer and grades..simple!! haha..

i have thought like that too, but i did not take immediate action on that..
that is why i was so depressed...
anyway, like what i said before, what goes around comes around..
wait, ade kena-mengena ker?? !! haha.. x kisahlah..

credit to justin timberlake, what goes around comes around.. ahaxx..

"Aku sangat inginkan nyawa sebanyak helaian rambut di kepalaku,
kemudian enkau membunuh aku sebanyak helaian rambut itu"
Abdullah Bin Huzafah ra

peace for the world

Friday, August 28, 2009

British English vs. Malaysian English

>> British English vs. Malaysian English
>> Who says our English is teruk? Just read
>> below - Ours is simple, short, concise,
>> straight-to-the-point, effective etc.
>> Britons: I'm sorry, sir, but we
>> don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size,
>> but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets
>> for you.
>> Malaysians: No stock.
>> Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did
>> anyone call for me a few moments ago?
>> Malaysians: Hello, who call?
>> Britons: Excuse me, I would like to get by.
>> Would you please make way?
>> Malaysians: S-kew me.
>> Britons: Hey! Put your wallet away, this
>> drink is on me.
>> Malaysians: No need lah.
>> Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it
>> would be possible for me to enter through this door?
>> Malaysians: (pointing at the door) Can ah?
>> Britons: Please make yourself right at
>> home.
>> Malaysians: No need shy shy one lah!
>> Britons: I don't recall you giving me
>> the money.
>> Malaysians: Where got?
>> Britons: I would prefer not to do that, if
>> you don't mind.
>> Malaysians: Don't want lah.
>> Britons: Err...Tom, I have to stop you
>> there. I understand where you're coming from, but I
>> really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.
>> Malaysians: You mad ah?
>> Britons: Excuse me, but could you please
>> lower your voice? I'm trying to concentrate over here.
>> Malaysians: Shut up lah!
>> Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you
>> staring at me for sometime. Do I know you?
>> Malaysians: See what, see what?
>> Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a
>> predicament at the moment.
>> Malaysians: Die lah!!
>> Britons: Will someone tell me what has just
>> happened?
>> Malaysians: What happened ah? Why like that
>> one lah?
>> Britons: This isn't the way to do it.
>> Here, let me show you.
>> Malaysians: Like that also don't know
>> how to do!
>> Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me?
>> Malaysians: Celaka you!
>> So which would you prefer? Send this to
>> your Malaysian friends and let them have a laugh too. Good
>> day!

haha.. i think a lot of us use that kind of words.. haha.. what do u guys think? hurm...

peace for the world<3

Friday, August 7, 2009

can't it be more complicated.. part 2

hey guys.. its really hard to find a time to write these stuff..
remember that i want to tell ya something before..
erm.. i think i don't have that 'kind' of mood anymore..
so, better i just forget about it and start a new life..
its not worth at all to be sad or depress or moody just because of that matter..
maybe some of u realized that i was kinda weird last week.. but believe me.. i was not intended to be like that.. do u know how suffered it was when i can't talked to anybody and being moody all the time????.. it was really suck... seriously..
that time, i was really hoped that someone can cheer me up.. haha..
that time, i was really hoped that i can cry to someone..
that time, i was really hoped that i can tell someone all my problems..
but i can't..

well, thanks to aishah cuz at last she was the one who can made me cried although it was kinda for something else.. anyway, i broke my tears.. and i felt soooooo good n much more better.. from that time i started to talk to my friends and i acted like before.. thank u soooo much aishah..

to all my friends that have been so kind to me, that have been really care to me, that always asking me how i'm doing (for that period of time).. thank u soo much..

syeda<3 , qurat<3 , kak yati<3 , aishah<3 , c <3 , nabila<3 , masyitah<3 , sal<3 , amal<3 , wani<3 , hazym , umar , azuan n yg laen2 gak..u guys are awesome

(azuan berada dlm list nie sbb aritu dia tanya dlm kelas arab, eventhough dia maen2, n suma org ketawa.. pastu feni terus kluar kelas..then suma org cuak jer.. pastu senyap tibe2.. padahal kat luar tu feni ketawa terbahak2.. kesian dorang.. feni saje wat drama.. sorry guys cuz wat korunk suspen..haha) :)

luv u guys..

peace for the world <3

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

can't it be more complicated..? part 1

today i just watched harry potter movie.. it has been really a wonderful day for me because watching harry potter is one the things that can make me smile.. but something ruined my mood.. uurrgghhh..btw, i'll tell that later..

i went to the cinema with a guy.. basically he's my..erm..u shouldnt have to know about
and the best thing is i bought the ticket by not using any of my money.. yay!! that guy was sooooo cool to be with because his father sponsered everything.... yay!! haha.. his father gave us 50 bucks.. then, he send us to the cinema... how lucky my life is.. kahkahkah..

this time, harry potter is a lot better and cooler than the previous previous one.. a lot of the scenes were picturesque.. and i was mesmerized by
and yeah i love this movie because some of the scenes are funny, in fact most of them.. lol..
one of the scene that i cant forget is when harry says 'sir' in such a hilarious way.. it was soooo funny... then, when hermione knocked harry's head when harry says 'well, i'm the chosen one'.. something like that.. eveeybody laughed at that time.. guess
beside that, i was almost crying when the professor dumbledore dies.. i think i can feel the way the harry feels.. fuuh.. seriously guys.. i can feel how sad harry is when he lost one of the most valuable things in his life.. he lost dumbledore whom the only one who can help and save harry from the dark evils..
after he lost his parents, he has suffered enough and he lost his godfather in the previous movie and now he lost professor dumbledore.. can u imagine how his life gonna be after he lost the most powerful wizard in the world of magic.

okay enough of the harry potter's stuff.. as i told u before, there is something that ruined my day..
but i dont want to tell now because now i'm really in a good mood after talking about harry potter.. jk rowling u r such a great person.. i wish i can thank u personally cuz producing such a fantastic stories..until i can easily forgot things how matter bitter the fact is.. i love u jkr..

u know i'm really obsessed with harry potter.. the thing that can make me laughs and can make me forget all my problem..

Sunday, July 19, 2009

hurm..not really a big deal..

gambar ni kat uia..

c!! thanks for the pic..

salam.. nie first time guna blogger.. kecoh jer feni nie.. kahkahkah..act feni x suka wat blog2 nie..
feni lebih suka kpd prinsip Q & A.. br lah erat silaturrahim.. kahkah..ade kene-mengena ker..
bile duk kat uia.. mcm2 bnda brlaku..
tp nasib baik x brlaku culture shock spt yg disangka..
yea ar sblum ni girls, kaum adam mmg hardly can exist in our school.. best glerr..
bile dtg kat uia tibe2 campur.. dugaan gak ar..
tp tu bkn point feni yg sbnrnye..
x sangka nak cari kwn yg btul2 kwn and sekepala agak susah kat sini..
masing2 ada agenda yg trsndiri.. fuuh..
tu psl lar rindu glerr kat kwn2 lama.. azlina, rose siow, vivien, wan xin, poh yee, yugathi, prasaniya and ramai lg..rindu glerr n syg kat korunk..
feni smpai skrg musykil.. betul ker mmg ade org yg dinamakn kwn sejati tu??..
sanggup wat ape saje utk kawan dia.. tp yg baik2 lar.. but x guna kan klu kita syg kat kawan kita tu tp dia masih pikir berprasangka buruk kat kita.. hurm.. sedih weyh..
haiz~ walau papepun..kita doa kpd Allah supaya membantu kita mencari kwn2 yg baik.. membwa kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat.. amin..
nak tau nape feni first blog jer dah ckp psl kwn..act sahabat merupakan antara prkara yg plg penting dlm hidup feni.. feni akui yg sahabat boleh influence diri feni.. so, kene pandai2 cari kawan lar..

btw, guys, u have been the most interesting things that have ever happened to me..

thanks.. n so much thanks..

peace for the world