yey,, clap ur hands please!! (^_^) .. lol..
even though i have so many things to tell but it seems i dont have any.. not because i REALLY dont have .but i just cant tell.. thinking about how those guys around me will think about me esp that someONE.. huh.. thanks to him cuz alot of things that i could or would tell here or in FB, i did not tell it. because of him i restrained myself from telling everybody about my life, my problems and so on.. even though at that particular time i really need someone to hear me or at least know whats goin on with me.
(gila nk perhatian.. haha..xpe kan? sy x kuat dan x secekal para nabi dan para sahabat utk handle sorang2.. even Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pun ada sahabat baik sendiri yg sering membantu dan mendengar dan mempercayai setiap apa yg diperkatakan oleh Rasulullah dan sanggup mempertaruhkan nyawa dan harta benda beliau utk Rasulullah S.A.W dan perjuangan membawa Agama Allah SWT... begitu hebat sahabat Nabi itu. adakah pada zaman sekarang sahabat seperti itu dapat kita cari?)
but yey! .. i stop myself from doing that. but sometimes there are couples of things that i just slipped through FB.. maybe i was too emotional and cant think straight.. oh dush.. c'mon guys.. i know some of us are like that too esp WOMEN, GIRLS.. haha..
however i've never think that i could achieve such a great achievement, not telling everybody everything that i want to share.. haha.. isnt it good enough? duh i dont think so. well, i will be still trying my very best..
saya pernah teringat suatu ketika dahulu, apabila sy mendengar (ke sy membaca) tentang satu ayat ni.. x silap hadith rasanya.. lupa pula.. ayat itu lebih kurang mcm ni lar.. apa yg sy faham dari ayat itu :-
apabila seseorang itu tidak menceritakan kesulitan yg dia hadapi kpd org lain dan menghadapi kesulitan itu dgn redha dan ikhlas, maka ganjaran yg akan dia dapat lebih dr apa yg dapat dia bayangkan..
lebih kurang la.. sampai sekarang kalau sy menghadapi sebarang kesulitan, sy akan cuba ingat kata2 tersebut dan cuba praktikkan. tp kadang2, not everyone is strong enough to endure it. haha..
this year 2011 is the year where i step in to the IIUM Gombak. tell ya, it was a very cool experience. i learnt so many things.. i GOT into TROUBLES.. haha.. there are some good things that i will cherish till the moment Allah take the memory back from me. there are also things that makes me COL (cry out loud).. haha.. but still its a good learning for me. that makes me even stronger, stronger but yet still crying sometimes.. kahkahkah..
but i tell u guys, i have so many things i want to share (of course the good things.). memories with COMRADEANS, STUFF-ians, co-workers, roomates, classmates, coursemates, programme-mates, uni-mates (eh jap2 wujud ke perkataan tu.. ) GRAMMAR POLICE here!! haha..
ingat nak cerita pasal kehidupan sy bersama warga COMRADE, warga STUFF, warga ICT, warga ZOO NEGARA, warga STS-MC (Space Tourism Society - Malaysian Chapter) .. ohho.. to many leh.. wah..
see you then till the next ..
SALAM! (^_^)
(p/s: nak raya dah, tp sedih meninggalkn Ramadhan, entah dapat jumpa dia lg ke tak nanti. Ya ALLAH, Kau pertemukanlah kami kembali pada masa akan datang. jgn pisahkan kami sebegini awal Ya Allah. Amiin.. )