Monday, October 19, 2009


peristiwa sepanjang minggu ni byk mengajar penulis blog ni.. ntah lar.. maybe i dont realise it.. but i can felt how much it influence my life.. tiba2 rase mcm nak emo jer..haha
that day, i was talking to my ex-senior..nama dia kak zarina.. dia mmg cun.. haha:)
dia ckp ngan feni yg kawan sejati tu mmg wujud..dia ckp camtu sbb dia dah baca blog feni yg first2 tu.. kan dlm blog tu feni kurang yakin adanya creature yg diberi nama sahabat baik or sahabat sejati..
then i told her that its really hard to find a friend that is really really
care about us..
will not complaining of anything about us..
although we have bad attitudes, mengada2, pelik, annoying,
or what so ever yg usually will make others dislike or hate us..
sometimes u felt that already found that 'person'.. and u just believe it..
but somehow, after time is faded, when the friendship is not growing blossom anymore,
u will find the person that u think is ur life, the person u think ur great bff,
it is not that great anymore..
i'm just telling this because..
yeah, of course u love ur friends maybe more than u ever thought..(i always do that)
but u just cant understand..its very complicated..
okay, u have a friend.. then, he/she is very nice to u..
have been so care about u,
always protected u from ur 'enemies',
she/he always be there for u, whenever u need a shoulder to cry on, whenever u need someone to share ur stories, whenever u need a partner to gossip about others, whenever u need someone that can makes u relief after she/he has the same thoughts like u.. a friend that is always be there for u..
how amazing it is if we can get a friend like that.. maybe we will be the luckiest person in the world and the universe.. Alhamdulillah..

but..cuba korunk fikir mcm mane kalau semua bnda yg kita dah cerita kat dia, suma rahsia, suma perkara yg kita x puas hati, or anything.. pokoknya kita percaya lar kat dia.. dia tu bff kita kan..
tp sebenarnya dia x suka.. tp in front of us, she/he pretends that they have no objection at all about that... setuju jer..

kadang2 feni terfikir, boleh x kawan kita tu terima keadaan kita seadanya.. kita ni x cantik ke, or byk ckp ke, or always talking rubbish ker, always telling something that they dont want to know ke, attitude yg mengada2 n yg buat dorang menyampah ker or anything.. can they just accept us without complaining any single words to us..
mmg lar perangai2 tu x elok, tp bukankah kwn kita spatutnya bagi sesuatu yg dpt membina kita ke arah yg lebih baik, yg boleh guide kita.. bukannya makes us more down or feeling uneasy and makes the problems even worse..
ataupun mungkin kwn kita tu x perlu ckp ape2..just terima keadaan kita yg mmg dr dulu perangai camtu.. yg x kesah kita ni jenis mcm mane...
mmg susah nak cari kwn yg mcm tu..
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas tanpa mengharapkan ape2,
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas nak dgr ape saje yg kita nak cakap,
kawan yg betul2 ikhlas without having any intention at all..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

a catastrophe moment!!

really a catastrophe moment.. okay2 jokin' guys..
in fact, it was really unexpected and memorable yet a lovely moments..
firstly i want to give some credits to my friends here..
atiqah<3,sathiya<3, sze hean<3
they are really fun to be with.. percayalah..x tipu nyer..huhu^^

peritiwa yg berkenaan berlaku ketika..
that lovely monday..
feni, atiqah, sathiya, n sze hean went to pavilion together..
actually i do not expected that those people will come.. i mean sathiya n sze hean.. they were willing to give some times to us although they had classes and other stuff to do that day..
seriously, i love them..
we all were from different classes when we were in secondary school.. and all of us also came from different 'gangs/groups'.. but that actually made our day really exciting and fun..
makan kat food court dulu..cuz sathiya dah lapar sgt.. dia baru habis kelas.. kesian dia...for the rest of us, we took it as a 'branch'..or is it brench?
hurm.. suddenly all the vocabs dissapeared from my head..
like usual, we were the only one yg buat bising kat sana..
then, watched movie.. urrghh..'sorority row'!!
i will never watched that movie again..
it was atiqah's fault because she's the one who suggested that movie..
she said "alar, cite bunuh2 biasa jer.."
omg!! she said that.. giler per.. bunuh biasa2?!!..
almost the whole time in the cinema i covered my face with hands..
me n sze hean peluk-ing each other and only us who screamed all the time.. haha.. but sathiya and atiqah were making noise there.. until one guy turned around to see who is the hell that making noise behind him.. hahaha.. kelakarr gler..
mana x nyer.. sathiya kept saying...
"oh no, she's gonna die"
"she's gonna die next"
"no no, not her, that girl will die first"
"confirm she will die first"
"padan muka she die"
i could feel how 'bengang' that guy in front of us..or maybe every single human being in the cinema.. well, i hope not.. mmg kelakar yg teramat time tu..
then, the most funny thing is.. mase first intro cite tu, ade adegan 18 sx..
u noe what, sze hean covered my eyes with her hands.. she didnt let me to see those parts..
oh come one sze hean, i'm already 18 years old darling!! it's legal for me..hahaha..
kitorunk jln2 sampai kaki luka2.. blister sana sini.. nasib baik watsons ade.. haha.
yg paling teruk luka kaki feni ar.. sampai jalan terjungkang-jongket (sorry klu tatabahasa salah) dah lama tinggal BM.. hehe.. sorry..

mmg pengalaman yg teramat best time tu..really cant forget it...
well, honestly we guys also didnt expect our dates gonna be that fun and hilarious..
lepas ni kita ajak ramai2 lepak sama2..
friends forever guys!! luv u guys always and always..

"Barangsiapa yang tidak menyayangi, maka dia tidak akan disayangi"
Riwayat Imam Bukhari, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi dan Nashif

peace for the world